
Editorial Policy

DANISH, a purely Literary Research and Criticism based Journal published on an annual basis by the Post  Graduate  Department  of  Persian ,University of Kashmir ,has a formal ethical policy of delivery. Under the Code of Ethics or (Ethics Policy),the Representative points are as follows:

1.This research journal does not rely on the character and criticism of any person or institution or organization.

2 . This magazine emphasizes the creative research and critical nature of the content it publishes. If there is any suspicion of plagiarism in any part of the published material, it is immediately rejected.

3 . In relation to the articles being published in this research journal, the institution should be satisfied that they contribute to the increase in the research and critical work done in the literature especially  in the  field  of Indo-Persian literaturesome level.

4. If the author of an article published in the journal later becomes aware of its origin, the author of the article is revoked for lifetime upon publication.

5. Before accepting any paper for publication, the institution ensures that its publication is not merely  a waste of time  but it must add upon tothe already existing knowledge .

6.Besides,in the contents of articles published in this magazine, human ethics and moral  values are taken care of at every level.

Ethical Policy

DANISH, a purely Literary Research and Criticism based Journal published on an annual basis by the Post  Graduate  Department  of  Persian ,University of Kashmir ,has a formal ethical policy of delivery. Under the Code of Ethics or (Ethics Policy),the Representative points are as follows:

1.This research journal does not rely on the character and criticism of any person or institution or organization.

2 . This magazine emphasizes the creative research and critical nature of the content it publishes. If there is any suspicion of plagiarism in any part of the published material, it is immediately rejected.

3 . In relation to the articles being published in this research journal, the institution should be satisfied that they contribute to the increase in the research and critical work done in the literature especially  in the  field  of Indo-Persian literaturesome level.

4. If the author of an article published in the journal later becomes aware of its origin, the author of the article is revoked for lifetime upon publication.

5. Before accepting any paper for publication, the institution ensures that its publication is not merely  a waste of time  but it must add upon tothe already existing knowledge .

6.Besides,in the contents of articles published in this magazine, human ethics and moral  values are taken care of at every level.